I don't know if you are like me, but if you are, you try to keep your kiddo's as happy as can be. It's not always easy. I know with my Sam sometimes he will cry and cry and cry.
One night last month he woke up in the middle of the night just screaming. So my husband got up to take care of him (lovely little agreement, I take care of our new born, he takes care of our toddler, at night at least : D). Anyway, he changed our sons diaper, gave him a new bottle full of water (our son doesn't drink a lot of milk anymore cause of another problem we had with him I will post more on later). So Sam still was crying Mark (my awesome husband) then took Sam out to his highchair as he hadn't eaten a lot earlier in that day, not for our lack of trying. Nope, no food. So my husband takes our son into the living room to play because he can not figure out what is wrong with our son. For those of you who know Sam you know he is usually a pretty well behaved munchkin. Nope no playing. he just crawls up on my husbands lap and continues to cry. I should have pointed out that this was about 3 in the morning and my husband usually wakes up at 8 or 9 am after getting off of work at midnight so he was really beat. Poor daddy!! This is when I come out worried that something terrible has happened I take Sam as he leaves daddies lap and comes running over to me almost blinded by his crocodile tears. I picked him up then went through the check list with my husband about the usually culprits that make our son cry. Check,check, check "wait did you check his teeth?" He hadn't since our son has all of his teeth except his two year molars and wouldn't you know it that is what it was. They were doing their first round of coming down. Many experience mothers I'm sure have dealt with the elevator teeth that you think are in and then they go right back up. Ahhh! As if kids cutting teeth wasn't hard enough.
So the advise I want to give from this story is sometimes you kids will cry, cry, cry, and there is nothing you can do about it and other times its a simple fix.
Do you have any tear drop drama stories???
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